This young adult novel follows a teenage girl throughout the terrors of a war in the Congo all while trying to raise a young ape who is completely attached to her. Her understanding of the world, herself, and others is impeccable for a young teen, but her story is also impeccably told.
I enjoyed the story line, character development, thematic threads, and lasting memory this book gave me. I would recommend it to fifth, sixth, and seventh graders. I believe both boys and girls would enjoy this read: it has no limiting factors that make it sway more toward girls or boys. This may be one reason I liked it--although the main character was a girl, she was not completely girly.
The novel does touch upon heavy themes that may not be appropriate for an immature fifth grader. However, I do think the story would carry on and still be enjoyable without a complete understanding of or respect for those circumstances. While I think older readers would still find the story enjoyable, they may feel it is a bit young for them because the age of the main character is 14--most children enjoy reading about people older than them. The difficulty level is appropriate for the average 10-year-old to approximately a 13-year-old. But parents will enjoy this book, too!
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
This year I am a new librarian at an elementary school. I am excited for my new position, but after years of teaching high school English I need to revamp my repertoire!
This year I am going to start reading my way through the school library! I have no idea how long it will take--probably forever because I want to always be updating books--but I need a better basis for making suggestions.
The following posts will share my latest read, thoughts on the book, and recommendations. I hope to hear from others in my school as we race through the pages of different books--not everyone will be reading their way through this library.
This year I am going to start reading my way through the school library! I have no idea how long it will take--probably forever because I want to always be updating books--but I need a better basis for making suggestions.
The following posts will share my latest read, thoughts on the book, and recommendations. I hope to hear from others in my school as we race through the pages of different books--not everyone will be reading their way through this library.
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